What Else Could Be Asked?
A nice little Saturday morning question to test your knowledge of:
👉 Turning Points (Max and Min)
👉 Point of Inflection
👉 Points on a Curve
This is part of the LCHL Week 8 Basic Skills Pack (posting on Thursday) but posting here a bit early if anyone wants to give it a go.
Part of your revision should also include writing a few notes about what else ‘could’ have been asked (the margins of the exam papers are perfect for this).
❓ What is the shape of the curve?
❓ What are the roots of the function? (where does the curve cut the x-axis (i.e. f(x)=0))
❓ What is the slope of the tangent at a given point? What is the equation of that tangent?
❓ What could integration be used for in this question? What is the average value from …
Improve the QUALITY of your revision by doing LESS questions but thinking about each one MORE.
30 minutes on this 1 question…would not be a waste of time if you answered what was asked…and then spent time thinking…what else?